Need some help navigating your way to The Fount space?

Perfect, let’s begin.

First things first, our address:

100 Cathedral Street, Suite 7
Annapolis, MD 21401

So What’s the deal with parking?

The joys of downtown life, right? Currently, The Fount does not have any onsite parking available. The parking lot for our building is completely reserved between 8:00AM - 5:00PM and will tow any cars parked without permission.

But let’s browse the options you do have below ↓

Neighborhood Parking

If you are familiar with downtown neighborhoods you know that their is residential parking down many streets. These streets are limited to two hour parking unless you have a parking permit for the specific zone. If you choose this option, make sure you read signage well and check the curbs for red lines, etc. Not recommended for after 5:00PM


Parking in a downtown parking garage is your safest best for a full day or extended visit. Parking is paid hourly or per day max. We always have two hour parking vouchers in the office to provide you if you choose this option. Get all the details and pricing information through the website. Gotts is a 0.2 mile walk from the office.

Metered On-Street Parking

Off Cathedral street and West street you will find metered on-street parking options. These are best if you are coming into the office for a tour or an event. You will want to make sure to pay close attention to signage and pay using your app for the correct zone. More details on downloading and using the app below.

What about after hours?

For our evening events that begin after 5:00PM you are able to park in the Cathedral office buildings lot. Make sure to pay attention to signage for the lot and/or for Truist bank, these spots have different payment instructions. You still need to pay via the QR code or machine located at the corner of the building before exiting the lot, however this is a great option during the week nights as spots are normally available.

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